Saturday, November 24, 2012

MODULAR22 Artist Profile - Max


Favorite Color:
sea foam green

Where were you born/raised:
I had an old lady, then I had to live with her granddaughter, then I spent 20 minutes outside before I was found.  Worst 20 minutes of my life, but I have good people now.

School of life. But my people went to Cranbrook.

Describe your work in 140 characters or less:
I am a serious artist who happens to be a cat.  My work explores feline identity in a world full of humans.  I am also very fluffy... and fucking adorable.

Current obsessions (art, design, music, movies, whatever, etcetera):
Super toy.  Patented crinkle noise. Crinkle blue man. Crunchers. Fresh catnip.  Helping.  Being downstairs.  Modern plumbing.  Lying on glass surfaces.  Yelling.  Having an equal third of the couch or bed.  Super toy.  Pushing things off the table.  Plastic wrappers.  Butter. Tuna water.  Roast beef.  Bristles.

Favorite piece/project you’ve done:
My most successful piece to date was a performance in which I clambered inside a suitcase and took a nap. This project attempts to come to terms with the transitory nature of self within the early twenty-first century’s database-oriented paradigm. As our search for work has become more and more freelance in nature, so has our search for identity. We constantly and restlessly move across the network, transforming each possession, location, and experience into a personality-shaping commodity, free to be emphasized, embellished, or discarded as the situation dictates. In this piece, the suitcase becomes a “vessel” in all senses of the word. It literally contains my physical body, serving simultaneously as a cocoon, exoskeleton, and transportation device. It also acts as a metaphor for an identity in transition, infinitely malleable, with no fixed reference points, adrift on a sea of cut-and-paste narrative, traveling endlessly from one non-place to the next. Plus it’s like totally comfortable and I look all fluffy and adorable in it.

What is your least favorite question/comment about your work and how do you respond?
Question:  “Why don’t you update your tumblr more often?”
Answer: “Because I don’t have any fucking thumbs and my people are too lazy.”

22 likes to focus on the overlap between art and design. Do you consider yourself an artist or designer?
I’m a serious artist.

Tell us about the piece(s) you created for MODULAR22:
I'm grateful for the opportunity to show my work in public.  But I wish I had thumbs to control my work more.  I've already shown all of this work on maxblr and I would have liked to present new pieces, but the humans wouldn't let me.

Anything else you would like to share with us?

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